Author: Selfless Anatta
A Special Needs Parent’s Worst Nightmare
A minor incident in line at Costco turns into a deadly bloodbath. Imagine you are standing in line at Costco waiting to get rotisserie chicken. You are there with your spouse, and your special needs child, now a grown adult. Your adult child is upset by the crying from a toddler being held by his…
How to Understand Karma and Apply It to Your Life
You don’t need to believe in magnetism to use a compass.
Are You Ready to Forgive Your Mother?
Sustaining anger and hatred toward your mother taints all your other relationships. It’s time to forgive.
Lamrim’s Most Challenging Meditation
Lamrim Meditations provide a pathway to Enlightenment, but side-roads along the journey, essential to explore, can lead to Dark places.
The Many Reasons I Love My Autistic Son
I don’t focus on my son’s limitations. I focus on the benefits and the joys he brings to my life.
Pride and Arrogance, the Price for Being Gifted
I was told I was brilliant my entire life, and it shaped me into a supremely prideful and arrogant ass.
I’m Proud to be A Nigger
My Nigerian Friend’s simple statement that could heal America’s Darkest Moment