My mind is unknowable to you, despite what you might feel when reading.

Private Language is impossible, and you can’t know What it’s like to be a bat.

An Ultimate Divide exists between your subjective experience and the outside, objective world.

It’s like the information event horizon of a black hole; data only goes one way.

At the information event horizon of a black hole, whatever enters never returns.

We have no possible way of testing what happens beyond this barrier because no matter what test we run, no information to gather and analyze is ever forthcoming from the other side.

A bit like death.

Any speculation of what lies beyond is mental masturbation.

Philosophers still get off on it.

It’s funny.

Now consider this.

My body’s central nervous system sends signals to my brain where it’s brought together as a real-time simulation of conditions in the outside world.

It feels like the Inner Theater, but no Homunculus spoils the party.

That perceptual field is me.

Your perceptual field is you.

When that information goes in and generates that perceptual field, the information flow is only one way.

You and I can’t share perceptual fields. I can’t directly know your experience.

There is an Ultimate Divide between us that can’t be crossed: subjective experience.

This fact isolates us, terribly.

But humanity comes equipped with brain modules to assist with crossing this divide, including language, allowing us to communicate and making us feel less alone.

That’s why talking and listening is so soothing, at least when it’s heart-to-heart. Data exchange conversations, typical of men, fail.

I prefer not wasting wind, blowing meaningless farts of intellect at people.

However, If you want to smell one, I am a bit of a Mysterian, if you like labeling these things.

Language is cool.

That was weird, I know.

Take a break and reflect on it.

Understanding will seep in if you pause and reflect.

One more tug on that thread.

God Needs You

God is envisioned as Omniscient, meaning he knows everything.

But how can God know isolation, loneliness, separation from God?

Prior to the flowering of consciousness, God could not do this, making Him, less than all-Powerful, less than all-Knowing, less than Whole, incomplete.

God created separate conscious beings — you and me — so that He can Live though us, and incorporate those things into Himself, making Him fully Omniscient, by adding the human experience to Himself.

God Needs You to Be Whole.

Does that make you feel special and important?

Body Reality and Mind Reality

Body reality is the objective reality within which we must interact.

It’s the reality of material reductionism, the mechanics of how things work.

The Mind reality is the subjective reality imbuing us with the ability to construct reality as we wish, as long as it doesn’t contradict Body Reality.

If Mind Reality and Body Reality clash, a condition called Schizophrenia arises.

You can’t just live in your head and make it all up.

Fundamental Truth of the Mind

Every belief in your head begins as a seed planted in Body Reality.

Some information in the outside world enters your awareness.

Philosophers call these Brute Facts or, more simply, Data.

From there, you have complete control to interpret the meaning of that fact.

This is the key insight from Victor Frankl’s Man Search for Meaning.

